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Standard Views

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Each kind of standard view provides a normal constructor, plus a DSL constructor that have Container as receiver.

Container & FixedSizeContainer

Container is a View that can have children:

inline fun Container.container(callback: @ViewsDslMarker Container.() -> Unit = {})

open class Container : View() {
    // Gets the outer container. When attached, this should be the Stage instance.
    val containerRoot: Container get() = parent?.containerRoot ?: this

    // Methods to handle its children
    val children = arrayListOf<View>()
    fun addChildAt(view: View, index: Int)
    fun swapChildren(view1: View, view2: View)
    fun getChildIndex(view: View): Int = view.index
    fun getChildAt(index: Int): View = children[index]
    fun getChildByName(name: String): View? = children.firstOrNull { == name }
    fun removeChild(view: View?)
    fun removeChildren()
    fun addChild(view: View)

    // addChild, removeChild shortcuts (+= and -=)
    operator fun plusAssign(view: View)
    operator fun minusAssign(view: View)

The Container width and height methods will depend on its children.

For container that has a fixed width and height properties, you can use the FixedSizeContainer class:

inline fun Container.fixedSizeContainer(
    width: Number,
    height: Number,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker FixedSizeContainer.() -> Unit = {}

open class FixedSizeContainer(override var width: Double = 100.0, override var height: Double = 100.0) : Container()

Related videos on this topic.


SolidRect is a View that is a rectangle of a solid color. In the end it acts like a 1x1 white image with a tint.

inline fun Container.solidRect(
    width: Double,
    height: Double,
    color: RGBA,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker SolidRect.() -> Unit = {}

class SolidRect(width: Double, height: Double, color: RGBA) : View {
    var width: Double
    var height: Double


RoundRect is a View that is a rectangle of a solid color with its borders rounded. It uses the Graphics class under the hood.

inline fun Container.roundRect(
    width: Double,
    height: Double,
    rx: Double,
    ry: Double = rx,
    color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
    autoScaling: Boolean = true,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker RoundRect.() -> Unit = {}

class RoundRect(
    var width: Double,
    var height: Double,
    var rx: Double,
    var ry: Double = rx,
    var color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
    var autoScaling: Boolean = true
) : View


Circle is a View that is a circle of a solid color. It uses the Graphics class under the hood.

inline fun
    radius: Double = 16.0,
    color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
    autoScaling: Boolean = true,
    callback: Circle.() -> Unit = {}
): Circle

open class Circle(
    var radius: Double = 16.0,
    var color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
    var autoScaling: Boolean = true
) : View


Ellipse is a View that is an ellipse of a solid color. It uses the Graphics class under the hood.

inline fun Container.ellipse(
    radiusX: Double = 16.0,
    radiusY: Double = 16.0,
    color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
    autoScaling: Boolean = true,
    callback: Ellipse.() -> Unit = {}
): Ellipse

open class Ellipse(
    var radiusX: Double = 16.0,
    var radiusY: Double = 16.0,
    var color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
    var autoScaling: Boolean = true
) : View


The Image view will display an image. In addition to containers, this is the most common view in 2d games.

It can be construced from Bitmap and BmpSlice from KorIM. Internally it creates, uploads and destroy textures in the GPU automatically so you don’t have to care about it.

inline fun Container.image(
    texture: BmpSlice,
    anchorX: Double = 0.0,
    anchorY: Double = 0.0,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker Image.() -> Unit = {}
): Image
inline fun Container.image(
    texture: Bitmap,
    anchorX: Double = 0.0,
    anchorY: Double = 0.0,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker Image.() -> Unit = {}
): Image

open class Image : View() {
        bitmap: BmpSlice,
        anchorX: Double = 0.0,
        anchorY: Double = anchorX,
        hitShape: VectorPath? = null,
        smoothing: Boolean = true
        bitmap: Bitmap,
        anchorX: Double = 0.0,
        anchorY: Double = anchorX,
        hitShape: VectorPath? = null,
        smoothing: Boolean = true

    var bitmap: BmpSlice get() = baseBitmap; set(v) = run { baseBitmap = v }
    var texture: BmpSlice get() = baseBitmap; set(v) = run { baseBitmap = v }

All the views extending BaseRect like Image, has a property called smoothing, to configure how sampling works. When smoothing is true (its default value), the texture is sampled using linear interpolation, and when the smoothing is false, it uses a nearest neighborhood sampling approach.


See the Scenes page for more information.


The Graphics view allows to place vector graphics on it. The current implementations uses KorIM to rasterize the vector shapes and generates an image out of it. KorIM uses the platform specific API to render vector graphics when available, while defaulting to a Kotlin software rasterizer when no vector graphics API is available. It implements the VectorBuilder interface from KorIM so it offers the standard vector drawing API.

inline fun Graphics.() -> Unit = {}): Graphics

class Graphics : View, VectorBuilder {
    inline fun dirty(callback: () -> Unit)
    fun clear()
    fun lineStyle(thickness: Double, color: RGBA, alpha: Double)
    inline fun fill(color: RGBA, alpha: Number = 1.0, callback: () -> Unit)
    inline fun fill(paint: Context2d.Paint, callback: () -> Unit)
    fun beginFill(paint: Context2d.Paint) = dirty
    fun beginFill(color: RGBA, alpha: Double)
    inline fun shape(shape: VectorPath)
    fun endFill()


inline fun @ViewsDslMarker Camera.() -> Unit)

class Camera : Container() {
    fun getLocalMatrixFittingGlobalRect(rect: Rectangle): Matrix
    fun getLocalMatrixFittingView(view: View?): Matrix
    fun setTo(view: View?)
    fun setTo(rect: Rectangle)

    suspend fun tweenTo(view: View?, vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan, easing: Easing = Easing.LINEAR)
    suspend fun tweenTo(rect: Rectangle, vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan, easing: Easing = Easing.LINEAR)


inline fun Container.cameraContainer(content: @ViewDslMarker Container.() -> Unit = {})
class CameraContainer(){
    fun follow(view: View?, setImmediately: Boolean = false)

    fun unfollow() 

    fun updateCamera(block: Camera.() -> Unit) 
    suspend fun tweenCamera(camera: Camera, time: TimeSpan = 1.seconds, easing: Easing = Easing.LINEAR)


Mesh allows to render a raw set of points as triangles or triangle strips. Used for example by the skeleton-based animations with mesh deforms.

open class Mesh(
    var texture: BmpSlice? = null,
    var vertices: Float32Buffer = Float32BufferAlloc(0),
    var uvs: Float32Buffer = Float32BufferAlloc(0),
    var indices: Uint16Buffer = Uint16BufferAlloc(0),
    var drawMode: DrawModes = DrawModes.Triangles
) : View() {
    enum class DrawModes { Triangles, TriangleStrip }

    val textureNN get() = texture ?: Bitmaps.white
    var dirty: Int = 0
    var indexDirty: Int = 0

    var pivotX: Double = 0.0
    var pivotY: Double = 0.0

    fun updatedVertices()

fun <T : Mesh> T.pivot(x: Double, y: Double): T = this.apply { this.pivotX = x }.also { this.pivotY = y }


NinePatch is similar to an Image, but when stretching or shrinking, it preserves the size of its sides:

inline fun Container.ninePatch(
    tex: BmpSlice, width: Double, height: Double, left: Double, top: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker NinePatch.() -> Unit

class NinePatch(
    var tex: BmpSlice,
    override var width: Double,
    override var height: Double,
    var left: Double,
    var top: Double,
    var right: Double,
    var bottom: Double
) : View() {
    var smoothing = true

There is an extended version of the NinePatch, that uses the KorIM’s NinePatchBitmap32, that is compatible with the IntelliJ 9-patch bitmaps:

inline fun Container.ninePatch(
    tex: NinePatchEx.Tex, width: Double, height: Double, callback: @ViewsDslMarker NinePatchEx.() -> Unit

inline fun Container.ninePatch(
    ninePatch: NinePatchBitmap32, width: Double = ninePatch.dwidth, height: Double = ninePatch.dheight,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker NinePatchEx.() -> Unit

class NinePatchEx : View() {
    var smoothing = true

        ninePatch: NinePatchBitmap32,
        width: Double = ninePatch.width.toDouble(),
        height: Double = ninePatch.height.toDouble()
    ) : NinePatchEx


ScaleView is a FixedSizeContainer where all its contents is renderized to a normal size into a texture and then scaled with or without filtering. This enables pixelated retro games.

inline fun Container.scaleView(
    width: Int, height: Int, scale: Double = 2.0, filtering: Boolean = false,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker Container.() -> Unit = {}
) = ScaleView(width, height, scale, filtering).addTo(this).apply(callback)

class ScaleView(width: Int, height: Int, scale: Double = 2.0, var filtering: Boolean = false) : FixedSizeContainer(),
    View.Reference {
    init {
        this.width = width.toDouble()
        this.height = height.toDouble()
        this.scale = scale


Text is a view that renders texts with a BitmapFont. It supports a small set of HTML for formating.

inline fun Container.text(
    text: String, textSize: Double = 16.0, font: BitmapFont = Fonts.defaultFont,
    callback: @ViewsDslMarker Text.() -> Unit = {}

class Text : View(), IText, IHtml {
    companion object {
        operator fun invoke(
            text: String,
            textSize: Double = 16.0,
            color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,
            font: BitmapFont = Fonts.defaultFont
        ): Text

    val textBounds = Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 1024)
    var document: Html.Document? = null
    var filtering = true
    var bgcolor = Colors.TRANSPARENT_BLACK
    val fonts = Fonts.fonts

    fun setTextBounds(rect: Rectangle)
    fun unsetTextBounds()
    var format: Html.Format
    var text: String
    var html: String
    fun relayout()

interface IText {
    var text: String
interface IHtml {
    var html: String

fun View?.setText(text: String) = run { this.foreachDescendant { if (it is IText) it.text = text } }
fun View?.setHtml(html: String) = run { this.foreachDescendant { if (it is IHtml) it.html = html } }

Alignment / Centering

Korge has a variety of extension functions for aligning views to other views. They’re in the form of View.align___To___Of, for example:

fun <T : View> T.alignLeftToLeftOf(other: View, padding: Double = 0.0): T =
    alignX(other, 0.0, inside = true, padding = padding)
fun <T : View> T.alignLeftToRightOf(other: View, padding: Double = 0.0): T =
    alignX(other, 1.0, inside = false, padding = padding)
fun <T : View> T.alignRightToLeftOf(other: View, padding: Double = 0.0): T =
    alignX(other, 0.0, inside = false, padding = padding)

Tip: Use the auto complete from your IDE to discover more of these functions.

For example, for the function alignLeftToLeftOf(other), this means to align the left side of this current view to the left side of the other view.

There’s also a variety of extension functions for centering a view on another view as well:

fun <T : View> T.centerBetween(x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double): T = this.centerXBetween(x1, x2).centerYBetween(y1, y2)
fun <T : View> T.centerOn(other: View): T = this.centerXOn(other).centerYOn(other)
fun <T : View> T.centerXOn(other: View): T = this.alignX(other, 0.5, true)
fun <T : View> T.centerYOn(other: View): T = this.alignY(other, 0.5, true)

Here’s a video explaining these functions can be used.

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