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Document reviewed for 5.2.0
On this page

KorGE supports several desktop, web, and mobile targets. In this section you will find details for each supported target.

The KorGE Gradle Plugin is the in handle of exposing all the tasks that allow to run and build the targets.

Its development happens here:

The korge extension

The korge extension is a DSL to configure the application. For further reference you can find the source code here.

korge {
    id = "com.unknown.unknownapp"
    version = "0.0.1"
    exeBaseName = "app"
    name = "unnamed"
    description = "description"
    orientation = Orientation.DEFAULT
    copyright = "Copyright (c) 2019 Unknown"

    // Configuring the author
    authorName = "unknown"
    authorEmail = "unknown@unknown"
    authorHref = "http://localhost"
    author("name", "email", "href")

    icon = File(rootDir, "icon.png")

    gameCategory = GameCategory.ACTION
    fullscreen = true
    backgroundColor = 0xff000000.toInt()
    appleDevelopmentTeamId = java.lang.System.getenv("DEVELOPMENT_TEAM") ?: project.findProperty("appleDevelopmentTeamId")?.toString()
    appleOrganizationName = "User Name Name"
    entryPoint = "main"
    jvmMainClassName = "MainKt"
    androidMinSdk = null

    config("MYPROP", "MYVALUE")

    // Korge Plugins
    plugin("com.soywiz:korge-admob:$korgeVersion", mapOf("ADMOB_APP_ID" to ADMOB_APP_ID))
    admob(ADMOB_APP_ID) // Shortcut for admob

Project structure

Four small files (plus Gradle 8.5) is all you need to get started:


korge = { id = "com.soywiz.korge", version = "5.2.0" }  
#korge = { id = "com.soywiz.korge", version = "999.0.0.999" }


This is a template, that works like this to get the korge version from libs.versions.toml since version catalogs are not available in the settings buildscript.

pluginManagement {  
    repositories { mavenLocal(); mavenCentral(); google(); gradlePluginPortal() }  
buildscript {  
    val libsTomlFile = File(this.sourceFile?.parentFile, "gradle/libs.versions.toml").readText()  
    var plugins = false  
    var version = ""  
    for (line in libsTomlFile.lines().map { it.trim() }) {  
        if (line.startsWith("#")) continue  
        if (line.startsWith("[plugins]")) plugins = true  
        if (plugins && line.startsWith("korge") && Regex("^korge\\s*=.*").containsMatchIn(line)) version = Regex("version\\s*=\\s*\"(.*?)\"").find(line)?.groupValues?.get(1) ?: error("Can't find korge version")  
    if (version.isEmpty()) error("Can't find korge version in $libsTomlFile")  
    repositories { mavenLocal(); mavenCentral(); google(); gradlePluginPortal() }  
    dependencies {  
apply(plugin = "com.soywiz.korge.settings")


In this file you include and configure the KorGE Gradle plugin.

The plugin does:

  • Choose and configure the right supported kotlin-multiplatform. At this point, it uses 1.9.20.
  • Include all the artifacts required for KorGE.
  • Add tasks to compile, install and run all the supported targets by the platform.
  • Enable an extension called korge where you can configure properties of your application (application title, id, icon…)
import korlibs.korge.gradle.*  
plugins {  
korge {  
    id = "com.sample.demo"  
// To enable all targets at once  
// To enable targets based on properties/environment variables  
// To selectively enable targets  

dependencies {  
    add("commonMainApi", project(":deps"))  
    //add("commonMainApi", project(":korge-dragonbones"))  


All your common source files must be stored here. If you want to have specific source files per platform, you can use the directory structure of Kotlin-Common. For example: src/androidMain/kotlin, src/jsMain/kotlin, src/jvmMain/kotlin, src/iosX64/kotlin


KorGE requires the entry point to be a suspend fun main function without arguments. In most of the targets, this function is called directly. But in Android and iOS, this main will be called after from an Activity or a ViewController. All these details are handled by the KorGE gradle plugin.

suspend fun main() = Korge {
	sceneContainer().changeTo { MyScene() }


class MyScene : Scene() {  
    override suspend fun SContainer.sceneMain() {  
		solidRect(100, 100, Colors.RED)

Gradle Tasks

In addition to all the low-level tasks offered by the kotlin-multiplatform plugin, KorGE offers additional tasks:

For Windows, change all the ./gradlew for gradlew.bat.

The most basic task to run your application is ./gradlew runJvmAutoreload, that will recompile and update the current Scene code on every code change automatically.

For the rest of the tasks and details for each platform, check the Targets section:

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