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This target allows you to publish applications and games on any website. Making it available to anyone with a browser or a mobile phone.

This target works on any web browser supporting WebGL and WebAudio for sound, that is almost modern web browser nowadays.

Features fast compilation time, small output size, fast startup time and widely array of supported of devices with a single target.


To compile, start an http-server and open a browser, use the gradle task:

./gradlew jsRun


./gradlew jsBrowserDistribution # Outputs to /build/distributions

You can use any HTTP server to serve the files in your browser. For example using http-server: npm -g install http-server and then hs build/distributions. Or using live-server: npm -g install live-server and then live-server build/distributions. Or using Python3: change directory to build/distributions and then python -m http.server.

You can also use ./gradlew -t jsBrowserDistribution to continuously build the JS sources and run hs build/distributions in another terminal. Here you can find a script doing exactly this for convenience.

You can run your tests using Node.JS by calling jsTest or in a headless chrome with jsTestChrome.

Application Configuration

  • The Application Icon would be rendered as a favicon.ico.
  • The Application Title as the <title> tag.

Recommendations: runBlocking

Remember that the JS and the Common target doesn’t support blocking calls neither the runBlocking construct. So when dealing with I/O you have to mark your functions as suspend fun. Fortunately Korlibs are designed to be asynchronous, and reading resources is already suspending. So you only have to propagate the suspend modifier when required and you are mostly safe here.

Create a Docker image

To create a docker image use this Dockerfile (which is also included in the korge-hello-world template):

FROM gradle:8.2.1-jdk17-alpine as builder
WORKDIR /home/gradle/app
COPY --chown=gradle:gradle . /home/gradle/app
# Install necessary graphic and audio libraries
RUN apk add --no-cache freeglut-dev openal-soft-dev mesa-dri-gallium gcompat
RUN gradle jsBrowserDistribution

FROM node:18-alpine
COPY --from=builder /home/gradle/app/build/distributions /app
RUN npm install -g http-server
CMD ["http-server", "-p", "8080"]

You can build the image with: docker build -t korge-hello-world . To use the image with docker-compose:

    container_name: my-app
    build: .
      - "8080:8080"
    restart: unless-stopped
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