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KorGE provide mechanisms for testing views, scenes and suspending functions.


For simple tests not depending on views, you can use the suspendTest function exposed by KorIO:

fun suspendTest(callback: suspend () -> Unit)

In your test:

class MyTestClass {
    @Test fun test() = suspendTest {
        assertEquals("world", resourcesVfs["hello.txt"].readString())


When testing views, scenes or transitions, KorGE exposes the ViewsForTesting base class. When using this class, tweens and everything that happens in time will be executed almost immediately and in order, so the tests can run super fast without having to wait for animations, so it is pretty convenient.


open class ViewsForTesting(val frameTime: TimeSpan = 10.milliseconds, val size: SizeInt = SizeInt(640, 480)) {
    val elapsed get() = time - startTime
    // Methods to call in our tests
    fun viewsTest(block: suspend Stage.() -> Unit): Unit
    inline fun <reified S : Scene> sceneTest(module: Module? = null,
        timeout: TimeSpan? = DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TEST_TIMEOUT,
        frameTime: TimeSpan = this.frameTime,
        crossinline block: suspend S.() -> Unit): Unit
    // Simulate mouse actions
    suspend fun mouseMoveTo(x: Number, y: Number)
    suspend fun mouseDown()
    suspend fun mouseUp()
    // Simulate actions on the views
    suspend fun View.simulateClick()
    suspend fun View.simulateOver()
    suspend fun View.simulateOut()
    // Check if the view is visible to the user
    suspend fun View.isVisibleToUser(): Boolean    

Example with views

class MyViewsTest : ViewsForTesting() {
    fun test() = viewsTest {
        val log = arrayListOf<String>()
        val rect = solidRect(100, 100, Colors.RED)
        rect.onClick {
            log += "clicked"
        assertEquals(1, views.stage.children.size)
        assertEquals(true, rect.isVisibleToUser())
        tween(rect::x[-102], time = 10.seconds)
        assertEquals(Rectangle(x=-102, y=0, width=100, height=100), rect.globalBounds)
        assertEquals(false, rect.isVisibleToUser())
        assertEquals(listOf("clicked"), log)

Example with a scene

class MySceneTest : ViewsForTesting() {
    object DummyModule : Module() {
        override suspend fun Injector.configure() {
            mapSingleton {
            mapPrototype {

    class MyScene(private val myDependency: MyDependency) : Scene() {
        lateinit var textView : Text

        override suspend fun Container.sceneInit() {
            textView = text("Hello World!")

    fun sceneTestRunsScene() = sceneTest<MyScene>(DummyModule) {

    fun sceneTestCanOverrideBindingsForTesting() = sceneTest<MyScene>(DummyModule, {
        mapSingleton<MyDependency> {
    }) {

Separating logic from presentation

While KorGE allows to do headless, fast testing of views, it is recommended to separate your game logic from your presentation logic.

When possible, your game should be playable from code using plain models and you should try to test as much as possible without using views at all.

If you represent your game as states and state transitions, you can then display those actions with animations and tweens. And you can convert user interactions into actions.

graph LR;
UserInteractions["User Interactions"] --> UserActions["User Actions"];
UserActions["User Actions"] --> StateTransitions["State Transitions"];
StateTransitions["State Transitions"] --> ViewAnimations["View Animations"];

For example:

data class State(...)
sealed class Operation {
    data class Create(...) : Operation()
    data class Move(...) : Operation()
    data class Compact(...) : Operation()
    // ...
data class Transition(
    val prev: State,
    val next: State,
    val operations: List<Operation>
sealed class UserAction {
    data class RequestMove(...) : UserAction()
    // ...

fun applyUserAction(state: State, action: UserAction): Transition {
    // ... Here we compute the action, generating a new state and a set of internal operations

suspend fun animateTransition(transition: Transition) {
    // ... Here we perform view animations, based on the options ...

// Testing the logic
fun testMoveRequest() {
    val state = State()
    val action = UserAction.RequestMove(...)
    // ...
    val transition = applyUserAction(state, action)
    // ...

// Testing animations and views
suspend fun testTransitions() = viewsTest {
    // Here we actually test that the animations work as expected
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