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How to contribute to KorGE?

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KorGE is an OpenSource Game Engine. It is open to everyone to contribute. There are several ways from doing so: from contributing to the documentation (using git & Obsidian), to contribute with the engine itself, or to create tutorials, assets, libraries, examples, or helping people on the forums or discord.

Contributing to the engine

You will need Git, Java 17 or greater and IntelliJ IDEA Community or Ultimate.

Start by cloning the repo (or your fork):

git clone

Then open that folder with IntelliJ IDEA.

You can fix stuff or develop new features by using unit tests running them in the IDE. Or via:

./gradlew jvmTest

In the case you need to run a visual application, there is a submodule called korge-sandbox, with a main file, where you can perform direct experiments. You can run it with:

./gradlew :korge-sandbox:runJvm

You can also publish all the libraries locally with:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

and then you can use the libraries normally by specifying the version 999.0.0.999. If you are using the KorGE gradle plugin, it uses mavenLocal first by default. If you are using the libraries standalone, just ensure mavenLocal() is defined in the dependencies { } block of gradle.

Contributing to the documentation

You will need: Git, Obsidian or any markdown editor like VSCode or WebStorm.

Fork & clone the repository:

git clone

Open and edit it with Obsidian or other markdown editor and make a PR.

Contribute with assets/libraries


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